Adventure Locations: The Ruins of the Aurora

Adventure Locations: The Ruins of the Aurora

Adventure Locations should be used to generate ideas and can be easily dropped into your game with minimal prep work! This location is designed to be used in the Ravenloft setting for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition as seen in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, but it could be used in any game with themes of dark fantasy. For more about the Ulmist Inquisition, see Van Richten’s Guide.


The Ulmist Inquisition was a powerful but terrifying force. It extinguished evil in every alley and heart it could find. The Inquisitors were great warriors and studious scholars. They chronicled hundreds of volumes on the strengths and weaknesses of each creature they vanquished. The Inquisition’s stronghold, known as The Aurora, served as their training ground, library, and prison. They seemed unassailable to their enemies. However, pride festered in the Inquisitor’s hearts. An overly fervent faction of radicals formed, and clashing words turned to clashing swords. When the dust settled, the Aurora lay in ruins. The Inquisitors scattered. Some continued their work, unable to give up their zealous crusade. Others put down their blades after realizing what the Inquisition had become. But Virian saw the Aurora as his home. He remained loyal and watchful, guarding the once-great fortress from looters and defilers. He believes that one day his brothers and sisters will return. And he will be there waiting. 

Plot Hooks

  • The players learn that a powerful magic item is rumored to be buried in the ruins of the Aurora, but those who’ve gone to find it have not returned. 

  • Virian hears of the party’s exploits and sends a message asking them to visit the Aurora. He believes they may be worthy recruits of the Inquisition.

  • The party is traveling through an arctic or desert environment when dangerous weather hits. They spot the Aurora’s ruins as a good shelter, unaware that they are being watched. 

  • The players seek a piece of knowledge on a monster or the arcane that could be found in the Aurora’s library. 

The Aurora 

Location: The ruins can be placed in your world somewhere remote, very far from civilization, such as deep in a desert or to the far north. If you’re running a Ravenloft campaign, you could also choose to make the Aurora into its own Domain of Dread. 

Outside: The Aurora is a large fortress made of black, cracked stone. It is surrounded by thick walls, many parts of which have since collapsed into rubble. The central gate opens into a large courtyard with an empty fountain. It is littered with debris and dying plants. Investigative players can locate rusted weapons and armor among the refuse. There are no bodies to be found, as Virian has buried them all. Perceptive players can faintly hear the sounds of magic and weapons clashing. These are the magical echoes of the catastrophic battle that took place here. Two blackened wood doors at the front of the fortress open into a main hall with branching paths leading to the Training Ground and the Library. A highly perceptive character can notice a brick in the wall that seems off. Pressing the brick in opens a small bit of the wall, a secret door that heads into the prison. 

Training Ground: The hall spills into a large chamber with a high, vaulted ceiling. This area is surprisingly tidy, given the conditions of the rest of the Aurora. Weapon racks filled with swords, axes, and spears line the walls. Wooden practice dummies sit in the center, covered in various cuts. Perceptive players find that these cuts were made recently. To the left, there is a set of 30 thin wood pillars built for trainees to practice their balance during fights. On the right is an archery range. One of the targets is filled with arrows. On the far end, there is a staircase leading up to the second floor, where dozens of dormitories can be found. All of them are dusty and unused, save one, which contains only the bare minimum for leaving. 

Virian can usually be found here. If he detects the presence of outsiders, he will watch them from afar and may choose to ambush them or speak to them in this room, depending on how they treat his home. 

Library: The hall ends in a locked wooden door, which can be picked open with a Sleight of Hand check or forced open with an Athletics check. On the other side is a hexagonal tower three stories tall. The walls are lined with bookshelves and a staircase leading up to the second and third levels of the library. The bottom floor is littered with broken chairs, partially rotted couches, and old candles. The air is so dusty it causes those who enter to cough or choke. It is clear no one has been here in a long time. 

It is up to the DM to decide exactly what knowledge from their world is chronicled here. The Ulmist Inquisitors are particularly concerned with monster behavior and ecology, arcane magic, battle tactics, the Dark Powers, and the Domains of Dread. This library could also contain the history of the Inquisition and records of past hunts. 

A magic item that’s a book or a fight with animated books may be appropriate here. If you wanted to be really spicy, you could place The Book of Exalted Deeds, The Book of Vile Darkness, or a similar item in here as a major plot point. 

Prison: A pitch black and damp staircase leads down into the fortress’ prison. The prison is simple, as it is just a hallway lined with cells. Most of the cells have broken locks or rusted bars. Under the refuse inside an abandoned cell, an investigative player can uncover a wand of fear (Dungeon Master’s Guide)

There is one cell at the end of the hall that is still locked and can be picked open with a Sleight of Hand check. Inside the cell is a pedestal, upon which is a glass cylinder with gold ends. It appears to hold a thick, churning red substance. 

This object is a prison, and it is holding a Necrichor (Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft), an undead being of pure blood that seeks to escape and possess a new body. Virian knows how dangerous this creature is. If he sees the party take the cylinder or break it, he will try to stop them. 

Event: A Challenger Approaches

If things in the Aurora begin to slow down, a new character arrives. Caeda is an Inquisitor from the opposing faction of Virian. She’s heard that he is here and has come to dispose of him so she can rebuild the Aurora and restart the Inquisition herself. Caeda is vindictive, violent, and motivated by her desire to have power over others. She will try to convince the players to join her, but has no qualms killing them if she fails. 

Plot Hook: If you’re running a Ravenloft campaign, Caeda could have abandoned the Inquisition and is now the evil agent of a Darklord from one of the domains. Her attack could draw the players to that domain. 

Caeda is an Inquisitor of the Tome (Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft) and accompanied by two spined devil (Monster Manual) servants. If she is reduced to 20 health or less, she will try to flee and could become a recurring adversary. 

NPC: Virian

Virian is a noble, quiet, and stoic warrior of the Ulmist Inquisition. He joined the order to help others and has no patience for the fanatic inquisitors who terrified the innocent with their bloodthirst. He is intelligent, but was never a scholar. As such, he never visits the Aurora’s library. When the Inquisition scattered, Virian dedicated his life to protecting the Aurora until the order could be rebuilt. Those who tread on his grounds must do so respectfully and with good intentions, lest they face his blade. 

Virian is an Inquisitor of the Mind Fire (Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft). He is accompanied by his pet Winter Wolf (Monster Manual) named Slush, to whom he gives lots of affection. 

Thanks for reading!

Art by BelleDeesse:


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