Subclass: Way of the Otherworld Monk


Subclass: Way of the Otherworld Monk

You did not choose this Way: it chose you. Way of the Otherworld monks have powers from alien worlds and are covered in a suit that has a mind of its own, augmenting their physical abilities. Some of these monks control their costume, while others have an equal relationship of coexistence. Many actively fight against the evil aberrations that gave them their abilities. 

There are rumored to be insane religious orders of Otherworld Monks who purposely infect themselves with mind flayer tadpoles and Far Realm magic. 

Decide if your character’s Alien Suit speaks to your character, or whether it is a silent tool. Consider if your character sees the suit as a curse to be removed or a blessing to be embraced. 

On the Material Plane, they are feared; on the Astral Plane, respected; and in the Far Realm, they are welcomed. They are the Way of the Otherworld. 


The origin of your otherworldly body alterations can vary wildly. Here are some suggestions:

  1. A slaad implanted an egg into you, but instead of gestating into a new creature, it became symbiotic with your body. 

  2. You were once exposed to a portal that led to the Far Realm and you were infected by its magic. 

  3. A mind flayer tadpole found its way inside of you, but instead of allowing it to control you, you overcame it and adopted its abilities. 

  4. You were born under a blood moon and your powers have gradually manifested since you were a child. 

  5. An ancient unknowable creature selected you as its agent, although its motives and thoughts seem inexplicable. 

  6. A society of Kua-Toa found you as a child and raised you as their messiah. Their belief in you grants you alien powers. 

Adaptable Matter

You gain the following benefits when you select this subclass: Disguise: Your suit can change its form at will. As an action, you can command the suit to change its appearance into any clothes you choose. As it is only illusion magic, it does not affect your stats in any way, nor can this ability alter your body’s appearance.  

Alien Bond: Select which type of bond you have made with the source of your power. 

Bond of Guile: 

            When you select this bond, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. In addition, you can                 add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls. 

When you or an ally within 5 feet of you reduces an enemy to zero hit points, you may expend 1 ki point to teleport to any location within 30 feet.

Bond of Might: 

When you select this bond, you gain an additional 5 hit points, and you gain two more each time you gain a level in this class. 

When you or an ally within 5 feet of you reduces an enemy to zero hit points, you may expend 1 ki point to make enemies within 30 feet of you roll a wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they are frightened of you until the end of your next turn. 

Your save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier. 

Inhuman Appendages

At level six, the source of your power grows in strength. As a bonus action, tendrils grow from your body, and you may expend 2 ki points to attempt to grapple an enemy within 15 feet. When you grapple an enemy in this way, you can use your action to throw them 10 feet, dealing damage equal to your martial arts die. 

Mind of Its Own

At level 11, your alien bond grows, and your suit adapts to protect you from threats. 

Bond of Guile:

           When you are struck with a melee attack, your suit bristles with energy, and you can use             your reaction to deal psychic damage equal to your martial arts die to the attacker. 

Bond of Might:

           When you are struck with a melee attack, your suit forms a tendril to retaliate, and you                can use your reaction to attempt to shove the attacker. 

Unknown Horror

At level 17, you can unleash the full power of the alien attached to you. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 ki points to enter a form of unknown horror for 10 minutes. When you do so, you gain the following benefits:

- You gain 25 temporary hit points.

- Your unarmed strikes deal extra psychic damage equal to your martial arts die. In addition, this psychic damage spreads to hit enemies within 10 feet of the target.

You can use your action to end your form of horror early. When you do so, all enemies within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom save or take 3d8 psychic damage and be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Thanks for reading!
Art Credit: Riot Games


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